Tetris-style scheduling...

I have 3 pre-op appointments today and am seriously trying to stay organized despite a constant flow of new and old appointments that are scheduled at conflicting times, etc. I'm living a life of scheduling tetris and I was never stellar at that game.

We're moving on Monday and that, clearly, makes things better ;) 

This weekend will be spent organizing and packing and me seriously aggravating my allergies by sorting my life's accumulation in the garage. Why do we still even have DVDs? I'm seriously high five-ing myself for, at least, purging all of my CDs and cassettes 2 moves ago. Also, I found out last weekend that I never fully un-packed shoes and accessories from our honeymoon. Our January 2016 honeymoon... That means 1) I'm disgusting and 2) I might not be that useful during a search party. I seriously looked for my grey toms about 15 times over the last year-ish and every time was left confused. And the other? The ridics cute black caged heels? 

I didn't even remember I owned them.


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