A natural deodorant experiment - Pit Party and Detox Supplies

I'm having a pretty terrible time trying to find a deodorant that actually works AND isn't terrible for me, filled with overwhelming scents, aluminum and parabens and radioactive alien juice and all the stuff we are supposed to stay away from -- the trial and error of the situation hasn't really been the most fun, especially in this hot weather.

So far none of the deodorants that I have tried have worked for longer than 2 weeks (Native advises using it for two full weeks before it kicks into high gear and starts working like a boss... and it literally stopped working on the 15th day for me - WHAT IS THAT SHIT?).

I've spent far too long reading about and buying round after round of natural deodorants, but yesterday's purchase was of the ingredients necessary for an underarm detox - PIT PARTY!

The current list of things that definitely DO NOT work for me:

- Nothing 
Hell no that doesn't work. Also, word to all my natural peeps who advise just not using anything. I am ALL for it, if that is what you want to do, but if someone complains about something not working properly, as a general rule, not even trying to use the thing in the first place won't be the solution.

-All natural deodorants so far
Native, Schmidt's, Earth Science, Tom's, Crystal - I swear that all of these make me smell like toxic rubber bands. Not joking. It's terrible. Why do I smell like dying rubber bands? I have another round of deodorants arriving today (thanks to smile.amazon.com, my purchases also benefit the ASPCA), so we'll see where Soapwall, Primal Pit Paste and Freedom end up in the lineup.

- Lemon or Lime wedge rubbed under the arm 
Wtf, no this doesn't work. And if you shave, it buuuurns. Also, if this somehow DOES work for you, I'm willing to bet everything I've ever known that you definitely didn't need the underarm citrus garnish in the first place.

-Apple Cider Vinegar 
This was yesterday's try and it was not successful. It's been so hot in LA so it was a good (but horrid) test day. I was a disgusting beast. Like, beyond repulsive. Sure, dousing your body parts in ACV doesn't seem appealing, but on a quest for some natural life vibes you might try some things you wouldn't normally try. This is one of those things. And I regret it. (I. regret. it. so. much.)

The sour smell of ACV mixed with body sweat on a hot day is NOTHING you want to become familiar with. Ever.

So, if anyone has any genius suggestions or thoughts, please, please fling them my way, as hard and fast as you can.



  1. I concur with your results. It's either smell good and die or die of the smell. You choose.

  2. Haha, I'm hoping it won't always be that way!


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