Target fun and a decision to not slay my veins

This week is going to be a busy one.

It's been a bit trying to figure out a way to do anything other than focus on this, since, also, my focus has to be on this.

I have an expander appointment with my plastic surgeon on Tuesday in Westwood, physical therapy in Beverly Hills and then integrative oncology in Santa Monica on Wednesday, 1 full work day on Thursday and physical therapy in Beverly Hills again on Friday. The week comes with work and regular life in between, which isn't easy after a 3 day weekend and with appointments and drive time and traffic and trying to make sure that my tetris scheduling is, somehow, successful.

I was given a choice between using a port or doing IV infusions for my chemo and decided to move forward with a port, given the horror stories of IV infusion chemo seriously SLAYING your veins, sometimes permanently. Since my surgery and the removal of lymph nodes on my left side, I'm essentially banned for life from having blood pressure taken or IV's inserted/blood taken from my left arm. I don't really like my odds with 1 good arm and a SHIT TON of serious meds pumping and blood taken through the veins that I would hope that random medical personnel can access. That means that on Monday, June 5th, I will have an outpatient surgical procedure to place my port on the inside of my right arm and will be ready for chemo and anything else needle/IV based for the course of my treatment. They will be able to access my port for everything, luckily. While it won't be pleasant, it will be concise and straight forward and I'm pretty into that ;)

My plastic surgeon will sign off on me beginning chemo when I see him this Tuesday and that will be the last thumbs up I need to move forward and will mean a treatment start date of late the following week or early the next. 

I'd like to begin as quickly as I can, as I'd really love to be done by the time Evie turns 3 in late September. She is far more than reason enough to celebrate, but I would really love to feel comfortable to celebrate for two lives.

Today Paul and Evie and I went shopping at Target (danger zone) to find the tiny person some new bathing suits, a baby pool and a grill... Tomorrow is Memorial Day.

I also started my chemo shopping. 

I was given tips and lists of things I will or might need for, or during, treatment and that meant leaving target with fun summer toys and a bag of prilosec, claritin (for bone pain, who knew?!), benadryl, imodium, biotene and other fun goodies. My only experiences with biotene and benadryl were in my twenties - I once broke out in super weird hives and took benadryl and then almost didn't make it to my bed about 20 feet away. That shit straight drugged me. I made it, somehow, and slept for way too many hours and never took it again. I also only used biotene after I got my lip pierced. Twice. Don't ever take your piercing out for a few hours because "you're sure it will be fine." I HEARD the needle go through the 2nd time. NO. Also, word of advice, don't ever be that committed to a piercing.

But, also, Target today?!?! Why are we so stupid. Seriously.

We went for a normal and semi-compact grill and left with a camping grill. The dude HATED us when we asked for the normal one because we were very, very clearly idiotic for even thinking they might have some Weber shit still in stock.

BECAUSE IT IS SUNDAY OF MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND AND EVERYTHING WAS SOLD OUT. The fucked up thing is that we actually still have our big beautiful grill from our old place, the one that had the meat side and the vegetarian side, the one we used for every summer get together for the last couple of years and both of Evie's birthdays. We plan to sell it because it's too big for our tiny shared walkway/patio/grill area at our new place and we obvs can't grill in the garage, but if we don't end up using the new tiny camping grill and want to break out the big guns, grilling in the alley is totally acceptable, right? It's basically our new yard, so...



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