The tech tried to Hansel and Gretel me

On the morning of my surgery, I had to have a procedure that would inject dye into my left breast, around the area of my nipple and the tumors, which would then stain the lymph nodes to indicate to the surgeon which nodes to remove to send off to pathology... The injection was slightly painful but mostly in a stinging and burning kind of way and it went pretty quick. I then had to be completely still on a bed/slow moving contraption that moved me into position for the photos - sort of a gurney on a conveyor belt situation. 

It was actually very similar to the system used when someone is cremated, and the room was in a windowless basement, so it wasn't feeling that festive to me. The tech seemed to enjoy herself a little more than I did:

Her: Ok, don't move.
Me: Ok... (Also, this immediately means I feel a serious urge to move, for no reason.)
Her: Ha! It's like an oven! Now time to bake you!
Me: Ha...(creeped out pity laugh) 
Her: We got the ingredients in -- you know, the dye... the dye is the ingredients -- and now it's time to put you in the oven and bake you! Hahahahahhahahahahahhahahahhaahah
Me: Yeah, yeah I definitely got it.



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